Innovation at your fingertips.

Innovation at your fingertips.

Innovation at your fingertips.

  • A grid of website sections
  • A grid of website sections
  • A grid of website sections

KBM is a manufacturer of premium computer peripherals. Our attention to detail and prior experience in the enthusiast space ensures that our products are of the utmost quality.


Leading growth for premium brands.

Leading growth for premium brands.

Leading growth for premium brands.


Faster Turnaround Times

<24 Hr

Avg Response Time


Partnered Brands


Keycaps Sold

Frequently asked questions.

Frequently asked questions.

Frequently asked questions.

How do I run a project through KBM?

Reach out to our team! Head over to our contact page or join our Discord and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.

How long does it take to receive KBM keycaps?

Where is KBM located?

What is KBM?

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